2024 Measure Specifications
MIPS Quality ID #001 (CMS122)
Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c)Poor Control (>9%)
Measure Description
Percentage of patients 18-75 years of age with diabetes who had hemoglobin A1c >9.0% during the measurement period.
Patients 18-75 years of age by the end of the measurement period, with diabetes with a visit during the measurement period.
Denominator Exclusions:
Exclude patients who are in hospice care for any part of the measurement period.
Exclude patients 66 and older by the end of the measurement period who are living long term in a nursing home any time on or before the end of the measurement period.
Exclude patients 66 and older by the end of the measurement period with an indication of frailty for any part of the measurement period who also meet any of the following advanced illness criteria:
- Advanced illness with two outpatient encounters during the measurement period or the year prior
- OR advanced illness with one inpatient encounter during the measurement period or the year prior
- OR taking dementia medications during the measurement period or the year prior
Exclude patients receiving palliative care for any part of the measurement period.
Patients whose most recent HbA1c level (performed during the measurement period) is >9.0% or is missing, or was not performed during the measurement period
If the HbA1c test result is in the medical record, the test can be used to determine numerator compliance.
Link to CMS Measure Specs
MIPS Quality ID #236 (CMS165)
Controlling High Blood Pressure
Measure Description
Percentage of patients 18-85 years of age who had a diagnosis of essential hypertension starting before and continuing into, or starting during the first six months of the measurement period, and whose most recent blood pressure was adequately controlled (<140/90 mmHg) during the measurement period
Patients 18-85 years of age by the end of the measurement period who had a visit during the measurement period and diagnosis of essential hypertension starting before and continuing into, or starting during the first six months of the measurement period
Denominator Exclusions
Patients with evidence of end stage renal disease (ESRD), dialysis or renal transplant before or during the measurement period.
Also exclude patients with a diagnosis of pregnancy during the measurement period.
Exclude patients who are in hospice care for any part of the measurement period.
Exclude patients 66 and older by the end of the measurement period who are living long term in a nursing home any time on or before the end of the measurement period.
Exclude patients 66-80 by the end of the measurement period with an indication of frailty for any part of the measurement period who also meet any of the following advanced illness criteria:
- Advanced illness with two outpatient encounters during the measurement period or the year prior
- OR advanced illness with one inpatient encounter during the measurement period or the year prior
- OR taking dementia medications during the measurement period or the year prior
Exclude patients 81 and older by the end of the measurement period with an indication of frailty for any part of the measurement period.
Exclude patients receiving palliative care for any part of the measurement period.
Patients whose most recent blood pressure is adequately controlled (systolic blood pressure < 140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure < 90 mmHg) during the measurement period
In reference to the numerator element, only blood pressure readings performed by a clinician or an automated blood pressure monitor or device are acceptable for numerator compliance with this measure. This includes blood pressures taken in person by a clinician and blood pressures measured remotely by electronic monitoring devices capable of transmitting the blood pressure data to the clinician. Blood pressure readings taken by an automated blood pressure monitor or device and conveyed by the patient to the clinician are also acceptable. It is the clinician’s responsibility and discretion to confirm the automated blood pressure monitor or device used to obtain the blood pressure is considered acceptable and reliable and whether the blood pressure reading is considered accurate before documenting it in the patient’s medical record.
Do not include BP readings taken during an acute inpatient stay or an ED visit.
If no blood pressure is recorded during the measurement period, the patient's blood pressure is assumed "not controlled".
If there are multiple blood pressure readings on the same day, use the lowest systolic and the lowest diastolic reading as the most recent blood pressure reading. Ranges and thresholds do not meet criteria for this measure. A distinct numeric result for both the systolic and diastolic BP reading is required for numerator compliance.
Link to CMS Measure Specs
MIPS Quality ID #134 (CMS2)
Preventive Care and Screening for Depression and Follow-up Plan
Measure Description
Percentage of patients aged 12 years and older screened for depression on the date of the encounter or up to 14 days prior to the date of the encounter using an age-appropriate standardized depression screening tool AND if positive, a follow-up plan is documented on the date of or up to two days after the date of the qualifying encounter
All patients aged 12 years and older at the beginning of the measurement period with at least one qualifying encounter during the measurement period.
Denominator Exclusions: Patients who have ever been diagnosed with bipolar disorder at any time prior to the qualifying encounter.
Denominator Exceptions:
Patient Reason(s):
Patient refuses to participate in or complete the depression screening
Medical Reason(s):
Documentation of medical reason for not screening patient for depression (e.g., cognitive, functional, or motivational limitations that may impact accuracy of results; patient is in an urgent or emergent situation where time is of the essence and to delay treatment would jeopardize the patient's health status)
Patients screened for depression on the date of the encounter or up to 14 days prior to the date of the encounter using an age-appropriate standardized tool AND if positive, a follow-up plan is documented on the date of or up to two days after the date of the qualifying encounter
The intent of the measure is to screen for new cases of depression in patients who have never had a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Patients who have ever been diagnosed with bipolar disorder prior to the qualifying encounter used to evaluate the numerator will be excluded from the measure regardless of whether the diagnosis is active or not.
A depression screen is completed on the date of the encounter or up to 14 calendar days prior to the date of the encounter using an age-appropriate standardized depression screening tool AND if positive, a follow-up plan must be documented on the date of or up to two calendar days after the date of the encounter, such as referral to a provider for additional evaluation, pharmacological interventions, or other interventions for the treatment of depression. An example to illustrate the follow-up plan documentation timing: if the encounter is on a Monday from 3-4 pm (day 0) and the patient screens positive, the clinician has through anytime on Wednesday (day 2) to complete follow-up plan documentation.
This measure does not require documentation of a specific score, just whether results of the normalized and validated depression screening tool used are considered positive or negative. Each standardized screening tool provides guidance on whether a particular score is considered positive for depression.
This eCQM is a patient-based measure. Depression screening is required once per measurement period, not at all encounters.
Screening Tools:
- An age-appropriate, standardized, and validated depression screening tool must be used for numerator compliance.
- The name of the age-appropriate standardized depression screening tool utilized must be documented in the medical record.
- The depression screening must be reviewed and addressed by the provider, filing the code, on the date of the encounter. Positive pre-screening results indicating a patient is at high risk for self-harm should receive more urgent intervention as determined by the provider practice.
- The screening should occur during a qualifying encounter or up to 14 calendar days prior to the date of the qualifying encounter.
- The measure assesses the most recent depression screening completed either during the qualifying encounter or within the 14 calendar days prior to that encounter. Therefore, a clinician would not be able to complete another screening at the time of the encounter to count towards a follow-up, because that would serve as the most recent screening. In order to satisfy the follow-up requirement for a patient screening positively, the eligible clinician would need to provide one of the aforementioned follow-up actions, which does not include use of a standardized depression screening tool.
Follow-Up Plan:
The follow-up plan MUST still be provided for and discussed with the patient during the qualifying encounter used to evaluate the numerator. However, documentation of the follow-up plan can occur up to two calendar days after the qualifying encounter, in accordance with the policies of an eligible clinician or provider’s practice or health system. All services should be documented during, or as soon as practicable, after the qualifying encounter in order to maintain an accurate medical record.
The follow-up plan must be related to a positive depression screening, for example: "Patient referred for psychiatric evaluation due to positive depression screening."
Examples of a follow-up plan include but are not limited to:
- Referral to a provider or program for further evaluation for depression, for example, referral to a psychiatrist, psychiatric nurse practitioner, psychologist, clinical social worker, mental health counselor, or other mental health service such as family or group therapy, support group, depression management program, or other service for treatment of depression
- Other interventions designed to treat depression such as behavioral health evaluation, psychotherapy, pharmacological interventions, or additional treatment options
Should a patient screen positive for depression, a clinician should:
- Only order pharmacological intervention when appropriate and after sufficient diagnostic evaluation. However, for the purposes of this measure, additional screening and assessment during the qualifying encounter will not qualify as a follow-up plan.
- Opt to complete a suicide risk assessment when appropriate and based on individual patient characteristics. However, for the purposes of this measure, a suicide risk assessment or additional screening using a standardized tool will not qualify as a follow-up plan.